At Longevity Nexum Kinesiology we prioritize health over everything else. In fact, on our list of 8 top company values “health comes first” is an unchallenged #1.
But this begs the question – what is healthy? How can I exercise to be healthy? Isn’t all exercise healthy?
In short, healthy (to us) is engaging in behaviours that reduce your risk of chronic disease and illness, while increasing the likelihood that you’re going to live independent and comfortable for the long run.
Well, doesn’t exercise do that? In short, yes. In long; not exactly. Professional long distance triathletes are shown to have similar cardiac dysfunction as a chronically sedentary person. Professional bodybuilders exist at such low body fat % that they can die early from a host of complications. Professional strongmen (looking at you, Mitchell) tend to have very high bodyweight and very poor aerobic fitness, obviously not ideal for long term health.
While exercise can be a great medium to improve your health, you require the optimal dose, intensity and time to ensure you get maximum health benefit from exercise. Here are our best recommendations to ensure you are improving your health as much as possible with your exercise routine:
- Perform intense exercise often, but not too often
Anywhere from 1-6 days per week can produce optimal health benefits. Even 1 day per week will produce positive effects, but training every single day of the week (no, walking isn’t “intense”) can actually cause as much harm as good – you start to spin your wheels and you can’t recover. An overworked body is an unhealthy body.
2. Move daily
Walking every day of the week is a must. From not only thew perspective of physical health, but mental health as well.
3. Practice every fundamental movement pattern
Our fundamental movement patterns are – squat, hinge, carry, overhead press, pushing and pulling. You should do every single one of these types exercises 2x per week to ensure you retain the capacity to perform that movement over the long run. Ironically, these are movements that comprise a strongman contest. See our blog on the 6 fundamental movement patterns here
4. Don’t overwork any individual system
Do you love running? Make sure you get in resistance training. Can’t get enough of the iron? Make sure you’re getting in some cardio. As a simple guide, you should be resistance training a minimum of 2 days per week and engaging in aerobic exercise for 150 minutes per week.
5. Prioritize consistency over everything else
An OK routine done forever trumps 5 years of a perfect routine. Ensuring you’re creating a sustainable lifestyle for potentially 20, 30, 40 years or more is a mandatory. An ex collegiate athlete who spends their evenings drinking beer and watching hockey is no further ahead than a non-athlete who enjoys walking their dogs.
Creating a routine can be daunting. At Longevity, we are here to help create that routine and show you everything you need to know to live healthy, forever. Give us a call on (800) 963-4409 or send an email to if you want to start your journey.