• Experts Training Experts

    Experts training experts … why? One of the benefits of working at Longevity Nexum is the 1 on 1 training we get to experience with our coworkers. Each week you will see our Kinesiologist's training a coworker. We have the experts training experts to further educate ourselves and reap the benefits our clients receive. As Registered Kinesiologists at Longevity Nexum, we are experts when it comes to exercise prescription. So,…
  • Providing a New Meaning of Movement for Life

    “Providing a New Meaning of Movement for Life” Our team at Longevity Nexum, downtown Barrie, has created a new vision statement. We wanted something that would embody our morals, beliefs, and attitude. We needed something to encompass our outstanding "WHY" we do what we do. Our team of Registered Kinesiologists and Exercise Physiologists want to provide Canadians with a new meaning of movement that takes their whole health into consideration.…
  • Exercise and Mental Health

    Exercise is not only great for your physical health, but it has a great deal of benefits when it comes to your mental health. The government of Canada defines mental health as your psychological and emotional well-being. It is a key resource for living a healthy life and should be taken care of the same way you would take care of your physical health.   Mental health does not mean…
  • Longevity Nexum Pelvic Floor and Core Workshop

    On May 4th, 2023, our Kinesiologist Melanie Williams hosted our very first in clinic workshop. Her background involves working with women, specifically women in the pre and post-natal stage of life. Her main focus is to help people using exercise by educating and guiding her clients about safe exercise.   During the workshop, she covered topics about what pre and post-natal coaching entails, who and how she can help women,…
  • Who do Kinesiologists help?

    At Longevity Nexum in Barrie, we have Kinesiologists working with a variety of people. From office workers with low back pain, to middle aged women looking to lose weight, to teachers with shoulder pain to veterans recovering from active duty. We are even happy to help anyone looking for a private exercise space to have a personal trainer guide them how to improve strength, fitness and long term health outcomes.…

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