When it comes to strength training, there are common thoughts surrounding the topic that can lead to one’s hesitation in starting to strength train. Most of these thoughts have been falsely created over the years but are still very prevalent today. It is time to de-bunk these misconceptions and empower everyone to embrace the numerous benefits of strength training! Here is Why Everyone Should be Strength Training!
Misconception: strength training can cause injury
One common reason that people will hesitate to start strength training is due to the potential for injury. A lot of this comes down to the lack of knowledge in how to exercise properly and safely. While there is truth in this thought, it should never be a reason to not start strength training as there are numerous resources to help. Working one on one with a Registered Kinesiologist at Longevity Nexum is the best way to ensure you are exercising correctly and safely to prevent injuries.
If the fear of injury is holding you back, you should know that resistance training is one of the easiest ways to prevent injuries from occurring. As you continue to strength train, your muscles and bones will get stronger and increase your stability tenfold.
Misconception: lifting too heavy will cause damage
Another common misconception is the thought that lifting weights will cause damage to the body. We see this most commonly in people who have chronic conditions thinking that because of their diabetes, osteoporosis, arthritis, etc., they should not exercise!
The truth of the matter is that these chronic conditions are the reason that you can’t afford NOT to exercise. If you are choosing to not incorporate any sort of resistance training in your schedule, whether that is bodyweight, banded or weights, you are leading to a higher probability of chronic conditions in your future.
Misconception: strength training will make me too bulky
This myth is most prevalent for women and one of the key reasons as to why women won’t strength train. The unfortunate fact is that resistance training is crucial for women’s health at every stage of life and this common myth is getting in the way of people’s health.
As we age, we naturally lose 15% of muscle mass per decade.
Strength training helps improve body composition by increasing lean muscle mass and reducing body fact percentage. Physiologically speaking, women typically lack the hormonal profile to build bulky muscles like men. Strength training can actually help women achieve a lean and toned physique.
Misconception: strength training is only needed for young people
Another reason that creates hesitation into strength training is the thought that it is only for young people and thinking older people shouldn’t do that to their body. The truth of this point is that the more you age, the more reason you should be strength training. As mentioned before, we lose 15% of our muscle mass each decade as we age. Adding resistance training into your routine is the number one tool to decrease the percentage of muscle loss.
Another common thought that may play into this misconception is the gym environment itself. Many people feel intimidated in the gym with a fear of judgement or feeling out of place. Our Registered Kinesiologists have created a home at our clinic which you will very quickly feel apart of.
Misconception: I do Cardio/Pilates/Yoga so I don’t need to lift weights
While these forms of exercise offer numerous health benefits, they should not be used to replace resistance training entirely. Strength training is crucial for building and maintaining muscle mass as well as bone health. Weight bearing exercises like walking or jogging also contribute to bone health, but resistance training provides targeted stress to bones, stimulating them to become stronger.
There are many variations when it comes to physical activity all of which offer valuable benefits. That being said, they are most effective when combined with strength training to create a well-rounded fitness program that addresses all aspects of physical fitness.
In conclusion, strength training is a vital component to one’s health and fitness that should not be overlooked. Working one on one with an expert in exercise prescription is the easiest way to start reaping the benefits of resistance training while de-bunking all of these misconceptions!
Call Longevity Nexum on 1-800-963-4409 to start your journey to Longevity!
Written by Chelsey Torrance