Kinesiology and exercise physiology services have been part of the Longevity vision since 2016. Registered Kinesiologists (RKin) and Clinical Exercise Physiologists (CEP) are allied health professionals who have completed at least a 4-year university degree and are accredited with the Canadian Kinesiology Association (CKA) and the Canadian Society for Exercise Physiology (CSEP), respectively.
Find the definition of a kinesiologist, as defined by the CKA.
Find the definition of an exercise physiologist, as defined by CSEP.
Both kinesiologists and exercise physiologists prescribe exercise as medicine for the treatment, management, and prevention of chronic health conditions and injuries.
Examples of some of the health conditions we treat include:
- Cardiovascular disease (CVD)
- Diabetes
- Obesity
- Stroke
- Multiple Sclerosis
- Osteoporosis
- Mental health
- Chronic musculoskeletal injuries
As Exercise Physiologists, we are experts in the field. We use the latest medical treatment and sport science research to deliver individualised exercise programs. Ultimately, these achieve the best long-term and sustainable health outcomes. The staff at Longevity use our clinical and advanced training knowledge to ensure your specific program develops all the areas needed as well as achieving your own personal health goals. Our Physiologists aim to not restrict your activity despite any challenging circumstance you may be experiencing, however, educate you on how to exercise safely whilst we treat the condition and injury. Contact Longevity for more information on how our Kinesiologists and Exercise Physiologists can help you.
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