• Start Your Exercise Program Today

    Are you still contemplating starting that exercise program? Has it been a few weeks, months or years now that you’ve been putting it off? It’s easy to find reasons to delay, to tell yourself you’re not ready, or to focus on all the possible barriers. But here’s the truth… the biggest barrier isn’t your body - it’s your mind. Getting out of your own way may be the hardest part,…
  • Fall Prevention Month

    Do you or someone you know have a fear of falling? Perhaps you’ve had bad fall or know someone who has fallen and was negatively impacted. As we age our risk of falling increases, and so does our fear of falling again. But don’t let the fear of falling prevent you from being active, as inactivity can lead to an even greater risk of falling! Falls can result in chronic…
  • A Strong Support System: Your Health Journey

    First off, congratulations on taking the first step toward a healthier, stronger version of yourself! Starting a fitness journey is a huge accomplishment, especially after years of putting your health aside. It’s time that you make yourself a priority… for you, for your spouse, and for your family. I know it can feel overwhelming at times, but remember it will be a gradual change, and you don’t need to change…
  • Facing The Fear Of Exercise Head On

    The Fear of Exercise Do you dread the thought of exercise? The idea of stepping into a gym, joining a workout class to even grabbing some running shoes can trigger some anxious feelings. It is easy to feel alone in this, but fear of exercise is an incredibly common feeling. Many people experience feelings of fear that can be casted through potential judgement, failure, pain or injury. Facing the fear…
  • The Top Three Killers For Men & The Impact Of Exercise

    Is there a man in your life that has pushed their health to the side? Maybe it’s your father, husband, or friend? They do so much to provide for their families but they don’t take the time to take care of themselves. No matter what you say or do to help, you can’t force them to make a change… but you can definitely advise/motivate them! The minimal activity guidelines indicate…
  • Which Exercise Modality Is Right For You?

    Not sure which exercise modality is right for you? With so many forms of exercise it’s important to reflect on your goals first and what you are looking to achieve by starting an exercise program. Are you looking to build strength, improve flexibility, or enhance endurance? Your goals can significantly influence the best choice for you. If your wanting to improve your flexibility and promote relaxation yoga is excellent. If…
  • Navigating Breast Cancer and Embracing Your Strength

    Navigating Breast Cancer and Embracing Your Strength To you, the warrior, who has faced breast cancer head-on, whether in your own body or through the eyes of a loved one, I want to take a moment to honour your strength, your courage, and your resilience. This journey is one you never expected, and yet, here you are, facing each day with a heart full of love and hope, even on…
  • The Importance Of Strength Training Postpartum

    It’s truly incredible what the female body experiences during child birth! With that said, be kind to your body, and all that it has gone through. Your figure may have changed, you may not feel yourself, and some days you may be too tired to do much … but just know you’re not alone! Adjusting to life after having a baby is a big transition, and finding time for yourself…
  • Thanksgiving Traditions

    With Thanksgiving around the corner our team at Longevity Nexum wanted to highlight a few things that we are thankful for, as well as some of our Thanksgiving traditions! Kelly & Chelsey's Thanksgiving Traditions This Thanksgiving our Kinesiologist Kelly will be spending some quality time with both her side of the family and her Fiancé’s. Thanksgiving traditions for Kelly growing up consisted of going to Howell’s Pumpkin Patch in Niagara…
  • The Importance of Team Culture

    The Importance of Team Culture Have you ever walked into a new place and felt like you have met the people before? Or that you felt like you have been going there for numerous years? All because of how welcomed you feel. That is what we strive for at Longevity Nexum. In this blog we are going talk about the importance of team culture for our team members at Longevity…

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