• Address The Pain – Don’t Ignore It

    Have you ever experienced chronic low back pain or knee pain? When our back or knee is in some discomfort we tend to stop the activities that work those areas. Rather than see it as an area of weakness that needs to get stronger. If the muscles are weak they can’t properly support the joints, which can lead to some of the discomfort that you are experiencing. With that said,…
  • What do Kinesiologists do?

    Kinesiologists use evidence-based research to treat and prevent injury and disease and to improve health, quality of life and performance. Our accredited Registered Kinesiologists and Exercise Physiologists specialize in movement and use individualized exercise prescription as medicine for the treatment of varying health conditions ranging from knee and back pain, diabetes, cancer, heart disease, arthritis and much more. Our mission is to help people be the fittest and healthiest version…
  • Who do Kinesiologists help?

    At Longevity Nexum in Barrie, we have Kinesiologists working with a variety of people. From office workers with low back pain, to middle aged women looking to lose weight, to teachers with shoulder pain to veterans recovering from active duty. We are even happy to help anyone looking for a private exercise space to have a personal trainer guide them how to improve strength, fitness and long term health outcomes.…
  • Why does my knee hurt?

    Today Longevity Nexum Kinesiology in Barrie look at the possible reasons why your knees might be giving you trouble! Without having a proper diagnosis of a knee injury, it can be difficult for some to pinpoint the exact reason why you are in pain, but as experienced kinesiologists we are able to screen your movement and story about the injury to identify the way in which we can get you back…

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