Partners That Support One Another On Their Health Journey
Having your partner's support on your health journey is game changer! When you're trying to make healthier lifestyle choices such as exercising regularly, cooking more at home, or prioritizing sleep. It’s helpful knowing your partner is on the same page and trying to do the same! You get to celebrate your achievements together, and pick one another up on the days where you lack the motivation. However, if only one… -
Healthier Holidays: Sustainable Lifestyle Changes
With the holidays behind us, take a moment to reflect on the week. Did you indulge in food like you have in previous years, or take a week off your exercise routine? If the answer is yes, don’t beat yourself up about it! See it as an opportunity to start building consistent habits that will carry into the holidays. The holidays can be a challenging time when it comes to… -
The Number On The Scale
What does the number on the scale mean to you? I know it can be tough when the scale isn’t showing the number you're hoping for. But, remember that weight loss is just one piece of the puzzle. It’s easy to get fixated on the number, however, if you take a step back and look at the bigger picture, you’ll see all of the small wins in between that are… -
Why Dad’s Need to Prioritize Exercise
Are you taking care of your health or has it slipped down your list of priorities? It’s easy to put work, and everyone else first, but who is going to take care of you? When you neglect your health, it doesn't just affect you; it affects your entire family. When you're not at your best, it's hard to show up each day as a father, husband, provider, or friend. Prioritizing… -
Quick Fix vs. Lifestyle Change
Do you have a special event coming up? Do you find yourself looking for the next diet or 30-day challenge? When you accomplish your goal for the event what happens after… do you fall back into your old habits? If you answered yes… it’s because it’s a temporary fix and usually never sustainable for the long run! If you're going to put work into improving your health do it for…

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