• Can A Daily Walk Be Beneficial For Your Health?

    The benefits of walking are endless, so get ready to tie up your laces and make walking a part of your daily routine! Whether your taking the dog for a walk, listening to your favourite podcast, or catching up with a family member or friend during a walk - you will feel better both physically and mentally. It gets better… it costs nothing to get started! The Benefits of Walking…
  • Desk Jobs & The Importance Of Exercise

    Has your posture changed since sitting for prolonged periods at that 9-5 desk job? Most of the day is spent sitting at your desk, staring at a screen, and typing away. It's paying the bills, but it's not great for your body. Prolonged sitting can lead to neck and back pain, poor posture, and even more serious long-term health concerns. Whether you're slouching in your chair or sitting back with…

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