Did you know that 1 in 2 adults have trouble going to sleep or staying asleep, 1 in 5 adults do not find their sleep refreshing, and 1 in 3 adults have difficulty staying awake during waking hours?
Does this resinate with you?
There are a number of factors that contribute to a decline in high quality sleep in adults such as increased sedentary time, and chronic stress. This is not surprising, considering that we live in a world now where we spend more time behind a screen, and stress levels are at an ultimate high.
But this doesn’t have to be your reality!
So what is the solution for decreasing sedentary time and decreasing chronic stress… EXERCISE.
Impact of Exercise on Sleep
Exercise helps regulate the body’s internal clock, making it easier to fall asleep at night and wake up in the morning. Exercise is also known to reduce cortisol levels, and increase levels of endorphins. Promoting relaxation and reducing anxiety, which makes it easier to fall asleep. A good night sleep will give you the energy you need to feel your best so you can show up each day as the best partner, parent, grandparent and friend that you are.
Impact of High Quality Sleep on Exercise
Adequate sleep allows muscles to repair, energy levels to replenish, and plays a critical role in regulating your hormones. Sleep is also vital for a healthy immune system and cognitive function. When your immune system is functioning well and you have mental clarity from a good night sleep you can continue to excel throughout your workouts and in life!
The recommendation for adults between the ages of 18-64 is 7-9 hours of good quality sleep on a regular basis. Consistently getting enough high-quality sleep will support muscle recovery, energy levels, hormone balance, mental clarity, immune function, and overall fitness progress!
Contact our Kinesiologists at Longevity Nexum to start your exercise program today, for a better sleep tomorrow!