Today in this article, Longevity Nexum Barrie Ontario will take you on a trip to get back on track with your health now that school is almost in full swing and you can prioritize your health during this new school year.
Summer has yet to be fully wrapped up, however, we are starting to creep into the cooler mornings and evenings, the dew settling in on the grass and the trees are ever so slightly changing colour. Although it may seem daunting that we are getting closer to winter, this is opportunity to capitalize on the few months we have have left to enjoy the comfortable outdoors before bundling up. At the same time, with kids ramping up to go back to school, this means you have more time on your hands to prioritize your health.
During the summer months, schedules can chaotic with sleepovers, camps and other events…. But now that you have a full day back yourself, there’s no excuse.

Kinesiologist working with a mom of 3 kids
Here are a few tips from a Kinesiologist on how you can consider to get yourself back on track and put yourself first:
Work with a Kinesiologist:
Accountability and consistency is the primary reason some people will fall off their exercise routine. Our Kinesiologist not only help you stay accountable to yourself, but ensure you set clear and measurable goals that we help you work toward.
Early morning workouts:
Waking up a few minutes earlier can give you that extra time to do an at home workout or virtual session with a Kinesiologist. Getting a training session done in morning will set up the rest of your day with success and that feeling of accomplishment.
Involve your kids:
Go on family walks to school or after school, go for bike rides, play at the park, have your kids play while you complete a workout. Not only does this get you moving, but also provides a good influence for your kids to stay active.
Mom doing her daily physical activity with her daughter
Use a diary or planner:
Make your exercise an appointment, book in for an exercise physiology session, class or just simply write “exercise” in your diary. Writing it down physically holds you accountable increasing the likelihood of actually completing the exercise.
Take turns with your partner:
Make a weekly schedule with your partner and take turns with who exercises and prepares for school. Whilst one takes care of getting the kids ready for school, the other attends their exercise session and is back in time for school drop off.

Back to school PROMO
If you want to start the year off right, now is the time to start. If reading this blog has made you realize that now is the time to prioritize your health, consult with one of our Kinesiologists and get started now. Until the end of September, Longevity Nexum is offering 50% to all parents who are looking to prioritize their health in this new school season. Call us today to book your initial consultation at 1-800-963-4409 or book on our website here