And just like that, Longevity Nexum turns 2 years old!

This past Friday, our team of Registered Kinesiologists along with our clients, our family, and our friends, celebrated the 2-year anniversary of Longevity Nexum. This night meant a lot to the team here at Longevity Nexum. It was a night that we could celebrate the success that has been shared within our team and most importantly, our clients.

Clinic Manager, Mel Williams, sharing a toast at the 2 year anniversary party.

Longevity Nexum was brought to Canada in May of 2022 by our Director, Mitchell Hooper. In 2018, when Mitchell was completing his Masters in Exercise Physiology in Australia, his first placement was at Longevity Australia. This is where everything changed for Mitchell. Mitchell knew that this was the model of healthcare that Canada needed and he knew he was bringing it home.

“University educated Kinesiologists, ready to put your health first. Equipped to deal with any chronic disease, medical condition or unique circumstance to create meaningful goals for your life and give you the path to get there.”

But would Canada embrace our mission?


And just like that, client after client, 3 new staff members and 2 years later. We are helping more and more Canadians extend their health span to match their life span.

Our team is providing personalized exercise prescription for health. We aredecreasing blood pressure, increasing strength, reducing feelings of fatigue, and improving long term outcomes of osteoporosis. We are improving cardiovascular, metabolic, and musculoskeletal conditions. Most importantly, we are helping people change their lifestyle to prevent chronic disease from creeping up as they move into their middle-aged years and beyond.

Would we be able to make a difference?

In a typical week, we see our clients 1 on 1 with some overlap every now and then. So, the most exciting part of celebrating this milestone was being able to see the people we help each week all in one room at the same time. Seeing this has deepened the passion for each of our team members to continue to push forward. Each year we are creating a bigger community of people who areputting their health as their top priority. A larger community of people who are entrusting us with their health.

We want to extend a heartfelt thank you to all of our clients. Whether we see you in-person or online, we truly would not be where we are today without you! It is the trust that each of our clients share for our team here at Longevity Nexum that has allowed us to experience and celebrate this milestone.

So, with that – Happy 2 Year Anniversary to Us!

Here’s to helping more people within the year to come.

If you, or someone you know is looking to put their health as their number one priority, send this their way!
Give us a call at 1-800-963-4409 or visit our website to book now

Written by Chelsey Torrance