With the holidays behind us, take a moment to reflect on the week. Did you indulge in food like you have in previous years, or take a week off your exercise routine? If the answer is yes, don’t beat yourself up about it! See it as an opportunity to start building consistent habits that will carry into the holidays.

The holidays can be a challenging time when it comes to staying on track. If you stayed consistent throughout the holiday season with your exercise and did not over indulge in food, you’ve shown that it’s possible to enjoy the holidays, while still making choices that support your well-being. With that being said, give yourself some praise, you’re setting yourself up for long-term success, and that’s something to celebrate! 

Reflect On The Lifestyle Changes

The choices you made to perhaps only have 1 plate of food and not go up for seconds, or do your workout before the family get together instead of sleeping in, may not seem like a big deal. However, if you were not doing this in the past then it’s a reflection on the person you are becoming! The scale may not have moved much over the holidays and that’s okay. The goal around the holidays is to maintain your progress, and it’s a bonus if the scale moves in the right direction.

At Longevity Nexum, we change our client’s lives by helping them stay on track with their exercise, making adjustments to their program as needed, and helping them make lifestyle changes that last! Once exercise becomes apart of your daily routine, the conversation around exercise and the holidays becomes more a matter of adjusting times, rather than pausing all together. That’s when you know it’s a lifestyle change!

If you’re having trouble staying consistent in the gym or adapting certain lifestyle changes, we want to help you!

Contact our Kinesiologists today 1-800-963-4409 to find out more.