When you think about your life… what does the last 30 years look like? Are you able to maintain movement for life? Or are you managing a chronic condition that creeped up do to a sedentary lifestyle and poor choices?

At Longevity Nexum we help people change their lifestyle to prevent chronic disease from creeping up as they move into their middle aged years and beyond. Our mission is to provide a new meaning of movement for life!

How Do We Provide A New Meaning Of Movement For Life?

We want to work on functional movements with our clients that translate into everyday life. For instance, implementing squats into your routine, is not just to improve lower body strength. It’s to ensure you can continue to get in and out of a chair, decrease your risk of falling, and maintain your independence as you age. Implementing cardiovascular exercise is not just to improve your aerobic capacity. It’s to ensure you can walk across the road safely, and continue to go up the flight of stairs you have in your house as you age, without feeling winded.

Not very often do we think about what our aging years will look like. We see our parents and their parents go through illness, falls, hip and knee replacements. Although, we don’t do anything to prevent that for ourselves. Nevertheless, that doesn’t have to be your walk of life!

Everything you do now will impact your future. Implementing exercise into your weekly routine will enhance your quality of life, reduce your dependence on others, and improve your longevity! It’s taking a proactive approach, rather than reactive. 

If you’re not sure where to start contact our Kinesiologists at Longevity Nexum 1-800-963-4409 today to book your initial appointment to take the first step on the road to longevity. Your future self will thank you!