Why Dad’s Need to Prioritize Exercise
Are you taking care of your health or has it slipped down your list of priorities? It’s easy to put work, and everyone else first, but who is going to take care of you? When you neglect your health, it doesn't just affect you; it affects your entire family. When you're not at your best, it's hard to show up each day as a father, husband, provider, or friend. Prioritizing… -
What Being a Kinesiologist Means to Kelly
Happy National Kinesiology Week! This week is dedicated to celebrating the work of Kinesiologists across the country! So who are we and what do we do? Kinesiologists are healthcare professionals that use evidence-based research to treat and prevent injury and disease, as well as improve movement and performance. We prescribe exercise as medicine to help our clients improve their health span, so they can continue to do the things they… -
Quick Fix vs. Lifestyle Change
Do you have a special event coming up? Do you find yourself looking for the next diet or 30-day challenge? When you accomplish your goal for the event what happens after… do you fall back into your old habits? If you answered yes… it’s because it’s a temporary fix and usually never sustainable for the long run! If you're going to put work into improving your health do it for… -
How to Get Movement in While Working a Desk Job
On average, most Canadians that are employed full time are sedentary for approximately 70% of their day. Do you fall in this category? If the answer is yes- here are some reasons to incorporate more movement/walking throughout your day: -improve cardiovascular health -strengthen bones -reduce risk of chronic diseases -improve blood flow It might not always be possible to move while you're working so here are some ways to increase… -
Exercising with your Family
Spend Time With Your Family While Exercising! Exercise with your family is one of the best ways to ensure you retain your health in the long run. In Ontario, the third Monday of February is a provincial holiday known as Family Day. This is a day that is set aside to reflect on the importance of families and to celebrate with loved ones. Every family has different traditions that incorporate…

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