The Long Game: Exercising for Lifelong Mobility

When we think about exercise, our minds often jump to images of the gym: lifting weights, running on treadmills, or sweating through intense workouts. For many, the motivation is immediate—looking good, feeling fit, or hitting that next fitness milestone. But there’s a much deeper and enduring reason to keep moving; ensuring a high quality of life well into our senior years. In this blog we are going to talk about the impact of how you exercise now on your future.

As we age, the benefits of regular exercise become increasingly crucial. It’s not just about maintaining a trim figure or boasting about personal bests; it’s about preserving the ability to move freely and independently.

The Impact of Exercise: Building a Foundation for the Future

Exercise is an investment in your future self. By focusing on a balanced routine that includes strength training, cardiovascular health, flexibility, and balance, you create a foundation that supports your body as it ages. Strong muscles, sturdy bones, and a robust cardiovascular system are essential for maintaining mobility and preventing the decline that naturally accompanies aging. That is why how you exercise now has an impact on your future.

Preventing Age-Related Decline

Regular exercise helps combat the natural decline in muscle mass and bone density that occurs with age. Sarcopenia, the age-related loss of muscle mass, can begin as early as our 30s and accelerate in our later years. Weight-bearing and resistance exercises are key to maintaining muscle mass and bone density, which are critical for everyday activities and preventing falls.

Not only will regular exercise help to increase your muscle mass and bone density, but it will also prevent chronic conditions from coming on. As you age you are more susceptible for certain conditions, especially if you are not living a healthy and active lifestyle.

Playing with grandkids, pain free. Exercising to continue to play with grandkids, pain free!

For Your Future Self: Enhancing Mobility and Independence

As we get older, simple tasks like getting up from a chair, climbing stairs, or carrying groceries can become challenging. By staying active, we keep our muscles and joints in good working order, making these tasks easier and less painful. This not only helps in maintaining independence but also significantly improves our overall quality of life.

And that’s not even thinking about the fun stuff! Think about the activities, games, or sports that you do now or used to do at a younger age – wouldn’t it be nice to still do those 20 years down the line? What you do now at the gym will keep you playing pickleball, volleyball, wakeboarding, hiking, and playing with your grandkids!

It’s Never Too Late to Start

The beauty of exercise is that it’s never too late to reap its benefits. Whether you’re in your 30s, 50s, or even 70s, starting or maintaining an active lifestyle can lead to significant improvements in health and longevity. It’s about consistency and making movement a part of your daily routine, not just a fleeting goal.

Embrace the long game. Exercise not just to look good, but to feel your best at 80 and beyond. Your future self will thank you.

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Written by Chelsey Torrance